程亮介 TEI Ryosuke(ペインティング)

程 亮介/Tei
大阪生まれ 神戸育ち

2022 “D.O.A.T. ~MONEY” (YEN / Taichung)
   “D.O.A.T. ~Smile, laugh and be happy” (Concept Store See? / Kobe)
2020 “The power of thought” (Sanseido Gallery / Kobe)
2017 “Hell” (Sanseido Gallery / Kobe)2016 “Rock you, and love you.” (Sanseido Gallery / Kobe)
2015 “Bao-Bao ” (Sanseido Gallery / Kobe)
2014 “Sweet Home” (Ham Gallery / Kaohsiung)
2007 “Devil’s Sweet Smile” (PIXIE/ Taipei)
2006 “Shinobi Black & White” (Quartier21 / Vienna)
2005 “Furi Furi Pop’n Art” (Lapnet / Tokyo)
2003 “Bump Up Bash“ (Osaka)
2002 “What a Happy Life & Death” (Tokyo, Sapporo)
1995 “Chinese Blood” (Gallery Kobayashi / Tokyo)

2022 “WHATZ ART FAIR” (Neptune Gallery / Taipei)
2019 “UNKNOWN ASIA Art Exchange Osaka 2019” (Grand Front Osaka / Osaka)
2018 “FEARLESS POPULART” (MORE ART 晶美術館 / Xiamen)
2015 “Journey of Flavor ” (Red Barn Factory & Tours / Kaohsiung)
“Beautiful Junk 2015” (Peang)
“好漢玩字” (The Pier-2 Art Crnter / Kaohsiung)
“Super Good Interactive” (Red Barn Factory & Tours / Kaohsiung)
2014 “The Pictoplasma Portrait Gallery” (Berlin)2013 “100 Friends: 100 Artists 100 Song” (Singapore)
2012 “100 Friends: 100 Artists 100 Dreams” (Singapore)
2011 “100 Friends: 100 Artists 100 Inspirations” (Singapore)
2006 “Toy Saves Children Deko Boko Boys Save Children” (Tokyo)
“Adobe presents Motion Award” (Tokyo)
2005 “Hexa Project [Express]” (Shanghai)
“Toy Saves Children [Rebirthed Mummy the Rabbit]“ (Tokyo)